Thursday, 1 April 2010

Evaluation Q4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?
The first thing we had to do was research different new programmes and their websites, we used as a search engine and typed in many different names of well known programmes and news companies and looked into their background and the way that they make their programmes.

After we decided to base our programme on we then had the slight problem of finding the theme tune. I used google to search for theme tunes and I found this website...
I used this website as the source for getting our theme tune and I managed to download the tune straight to my user name.

After getting the clip in my user area I imported it into Adobe Premiere and saved it in there ready for use.

One by one I copied all the video's onto my username as we recorded them and I made sure that I imported all the media straight into Adobe so that it was backed up.

There were certain clips that needed to have text on them ( the different peoples names & CCTV time and date), to do this I highlighted the clip that I wanted to add the text to and use the tools shown below to add it.

Ancillary Tasks
Creating the website Faye used Dreamweaver, which meant that she was able to add videos, buttons and hyperlinked pages. By using Dreamweaver she was also able to create rollover images which I think were very effective.
To make the title sequence I used Adobe Premiere and I opened it up on the same file that my main programme was saved in, I did this so we could put them both together to make it look more authentic. Faye also used paint and Microsoft powerpoint to create the Map used in the shots of charlotte doing the weather.
If all this technology was not readily available to me then I would not have been to create the project at all, especially if Adobe was not easily accesible. If this had been the case then I do not think that the end product would look as proffessional and as well done as it does.

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