Thursday, 1 April 2010

Evaluation Q2

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?
News Programme
We decided to base our news programme on ITV News at 10, using both their theme tune and main routine of the programme ( Top Story, Title Sequence, Stories, Repeat main story, Interviews etc).
The main theme (top story) of our news programme was the subject of Anti-social behaviour. I thought about doing this subject because it is something that is very relevant in society today and at the time that we began our filming the government had just released the new package 'the policing pledge'. When I put this idea to Faye she seemed keen to concentrate on this subject too and had not come up with any ideas so this was our choice.
After looking at ITV news at 10, we decided that there was not a need to concentrate on any other subjects to include in our video because the main emphasis is ALWAYS on one main 'top story'.
Title Sequence
Our title sequence and website were the two anicillary tasks that we decided to do and we made sure that there were very clear links and consistency between all three tasks. We decided to use a shot of the 'ASBOs' in out title sequence as well as in our main programme because it was the main story and we felt that it needed to be repeated for added effect. We also used the same theme tune in the title sequence as at the end of the programme to add to the consistency.
We edited the title sequence using Adobe Premiere making sure that certain aspects of the title sequence were made to stand out more (with use of slow motion and reverse speed).
Before we began to make our website we looked into several different News programme websites ( concentrating mainly on ITV's) and using this with research we had already done, we started to create our website.
On our website there are clear links between the site and the programme, we used videos of PC Harding that were featured in our programme as well as others that we chose not to show on the programme but that we still thought were important.
We also decided to use the colour scheme that we had used for the background in the main anchor shots for the site and used the same fonts in many different places.
I think that we linked our three tasks together very well and I think that it looks very realistic and authentic, there is only one thing that I would change and that would some of the questions that we asked PC Harding as some were irrelevant and this meant that we were unable to use them.

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